Course Materials


Now that we're near the end of the course and you've been thinking intensively and learning about research in communication and more generally, this exercise gives you the chance to revisit the collection of news articles and blog entries from the first blog articles exercise and see how your perspective has changed. Here's what to do:

  1. Re-familiarize yourself with the different items that are collected at the Communication Research Methods blog and the posts you used in the first blog articles exercise.
  2. Review the paper you submitted for that assignment and in particular the questions you posed about each of the posts you selected. In no more than 3 pages (double-spaced using standard fonts and 1 inch margins) attached to a copy of the earlier assignment, a) provide answers to the questions you developed for the first exercise and b) describe how you think your perspective and ability to evaluate research reports has changed since the beginning of the semester.

Bonus: Before the end of the semester and beyond, send me the urls for items you find that you think could be usefully added to the blog.

If you have any questions or problems, just ask.