Structural Features Content Analysis Project
DATE: JULY 27, 1997



  1. Identify timepoint(s) to code by consulting either the list of Reliability Timepoints or the list of Individual Coder Timepoints. Follow the instructions on that list. If you have questions, contact Cheryl Bracken.
  2. Take the tape, and if appropriate the list of Reliability Timepoints, to the graduate editing room (first floor Annenberg -- the access code is 125).
  3. Choose a VCR/monitor based on the following list of priority (i.e., use the first VCR/monitor on this list that is not already being used):

    Bench 3 - Right monitor
    Bench 1 - Left monitor
    Bench 1 - Right monitor
    Bench 4 - Left monitor
    Bench 4 - Right monitor
    Bench 6 - Left monitor
    Bench 6 - Right monitor
    Bench 5 - Left monitor
    Bench 5 - Right monitor
    Bench 3 - Left monitor [as of July 1997 this deck is allowing the tape to "slip"; do not use it]
    It may be necessary to reserve VCR/monitor(s) for the time you will be using them. There is a reservation sheet posted outside of the room.
  4. Turn on the monitor and the VCR. Before inserting the tape into the machine, copy from the tape label the information requested at the beginning of the Coding Sheet.
  5. Insert the tape into the machine and rewind the tape to the beginning.
  6. Make sure you are familiar with all of the Guidelines for Using the Video Equipment and General Rules listed below. Reread them if necessary.
  7. Complete the Coding Sheet CAREFULLY; read and reread the DEFINITIONS and NOTES in this Coding Manual for each question, and consult the glossary of terms (the complete glossary is a separate document), as you code. If you have questions contact Jennifer Snyder.


  1. The "Reset" button is on the upper left or upper right corner of the machine. Use this button when the coding sheet instructs you to set the counter to zero.
  2. do not keep one image paused on the screen longer than necessary. If the machine is kept in pause mode for a certain amount of time, it will stop automatically to avoid excess wear on the tape, and you will risk losing the exact starting point for coding.
  3. Use the knob to "jog" and "shuttle" through the tape. DO NOT USE THE "FAST-FORWARD" OR "REWIND" BUTTONS unless you are finished coding. These functions are more likely to strain the tape and cause "slippage" in the time-counter. Also use "Pause" rather than "Stop" -- again, this lessens the risk of straining the tape and of losing the exact starting point.
  4. Avoid switching directions (forward to reverse) suddenly or repeatedly switching from "jog" to "shuttle" modes.
  5. As you move slowly through the tape, you will notice horizontal lines that serve as dividers between frames. Keep in mind that a frame is complete only when those dividers are not visible. When looking for a complete frame, move the knob slightly forward or back until the divider disappears.


  1. If you can not easily decide how to code something, first reread all of the relevant DEFINITIONS and NOTES in the coding manual, then reread these General Rules to see if one or more of them applies. If you still can not easily decide how to code, CONTACT JENNIFER SNYDER AND DESCRIBE THE GENERAL PROBLEM (DO NOT DESCRIBE THE SPECIFIC PROBLEM; DO NOT CONSULT ANY OTHER CODER(S). If you can not reach JENNIFER, write a complete description of the problem/issue and staple it to the back of the coding sheet. Note the problem on the appropriate space of the coding sheet.
  2. A formal feature (including a credit, graphic, id logo, program segment, etc.) begins with the first frame in which the feature appears in a complete, "normal", "faded in" image and ends with the last frame in which the feature appears in a complete, "normal", "not faded out" image. Both the image and the specific formal feature must be complete, "normal", and "faded in"/"not faded out". Unless specifically instructed to do so, DO NOT CODE VARIABLES THAT OCCUR IN TRANSITIONS between one image and another or an image and a blank screen - instead move the tape forward past the transition.
  3. DO NOT reset the timer to zero unless the coding sheet specifically instructs you to do so.
  4. Do not use the television content or form that precedes or follows the exact 10 second interval selected for coding to answer any coding items unless you are specifically instructed to do so.
  5. For variables in which hours, minutes, and seconds, but not frames are requested, round to the nearest second: if the frame number is 15 or above, round up to the next second; if the frame number is 14 or below, round down to the previous second.
  6. ALL elements of a program or program segment must be interrupted ("go away") in order to code a program interruption or end of program segment as having occurred (i.e., that a new segment has begun).
  7. Content that is animated should be coded just as live action content is. For example, camera movement, camera shot length, music, special visual effects, special audio effects, etc. all can exist in animation, even if they are created in a different way. Therefore, all general rules and notes that apply to live action also apply to animation.
  8. If there are two or more separate pictures (simultaneous video pictures) on the screen, code variables in the individual pictures unless a response option "Simultaneous video pictures" is offered or the definitions and notes for the variable instruct otherwise.
  9. If the screen contains only ONE picture and it does not occupy the entire screen, code variables within that picture.
    Images can naturally contain other images (as when a television is shown in the background) -- these background images should not be considered separately.
    In cases where two pictures appear in the same space on the screen (e.g., in music video when two different views of an artist are shown, overlapping each other), if one of the pictures appears to be dominant, code only that picture. If neither picture is dominant, DO NOT consider changes in the individual pictures to apply to the overall image.
  10. For transitions other than cuts (e.g., fades, dissolves, wipes, etc.) consider the end of the first shot to be the last frame during which a completely unchanged, normal image appears; the next shot begins on the first frame during which all indications of the transition are gone and a normal image appears; all frames between these two constitute the duration of the transition.
    Unless specifically instructed to do so, DO NOT code variables for images during these transitions. For example, if the first frame of the 10 second interval is in the middle of a transition, instead of coding that frame move to the first normal image following that frame and code that image.
  11. Do not code camera movements that are so subtle and brief that they can not be clearly identified as actual camera movements.


(A separate document contains a complete glossary)

Anchor frame - the frame that follows the first cut (not dissolve or other transition) that follows the timepoint frame; it is used to avoid problems due the tape counter slipping as a result of moving the tape back and forth during coding.
Timepoint frame - the frame that begins the 10 second interval used for coding a given randomly selected timepoint value.
Frame - an individual photograph on a video tape; when a tape is played at normal speed 30 frames are shown in rapid succession during every second, creating the illusion of motion.
Image - the contents of the entire viewing screen.
Picture - a self-contained, bordered representation of objects, entities, etc.; there may be more than one picture in a given image.
Response option - a specific value among a set of exhaustive and mutually exclusive values that the coder selects when coding a variable by placing an "x" or a number in the appropriate space.
Screen - the physical border that encloses the image on a television set.
Variable - an operationalization of a concept that varies, with an exhaustive and mutually exclusive set of values represented by response options. Also referred to as "item" or "question".



Date of coding: ______________
Name of coder:____________________________________ Date of entry: ______________

Sampling information [Copy from tape label]

TAPE#: __ __ __ __

Recorded on: MOnth: __ __ DaTe: __ __ YeaR: 9 5

DAY of week:

_____ [1] Sunday
_____ [2] Monday
_____ [3] Tuesday
_____ [4] Wednesday
_____ [5] Thursday
_____ [6] Friday
_____ [7] Saturday

Time: HOUR: __ __ AM / PM (circle one)

CHANNEL: _______

[Copy from table of random time points:]

INTERVal #: _________ [1-8] Hours:__ __ Minutes: __ __ Seconds: __ __


  1. Make sure tape is rewound to beginning.
  2. Move the tape forward to the frame that follows the first cut (a complete image change between one frame and another, not a dissolve or other transition) in the recording (use the editing wheel to make sure you watch all of the images at the very beginning of the tape; move to the frame that follows the first cut even if the image at that frame is flawed because it is so close to the beginning of the recording; do not consider the first frame of the recording itself to be a cut; the transition from a blue screen with date/time/channel of the recording to the recording itself should be considered the first cut; a complete transition from blank screen to full image or full image to blank screen is a cut).
  3. Set counter to zero (i.e., 00:00:00:00).
  4. Move the tape forward exactly one minute (i.e., until counter reads 00:01:00:00).
  5. Set counter to zero.
    Check the list of random timepoints for the tape you are coding.
    *** If someone else has filled in the location of anchor frame and descriptions of anchor and timepoint frames, you can press stop and then fast forward to move the tape to the timepoint frame. Be sure to confirm that you have identified the same exact frame as the person who filled out the form. If the location of an anchor frame that you find is different than the one written on the list of random timepoints, use the location written on the list, rather than the location you’ve identified. IF YOU CANNOT FIND THE CORRET IMAGE NOTIFY CHERYL BRACKEN IMMEDIATELY!! Code variable 1 using information from the list of timepoints, then skip to variable 2 and continue coding.
    *** If no one has filled in the location of anchor frame and descriptions of anchor and timepoint frames, continue with these instructions.
  7. Move the tape forward to the exact random time point from the list of timepoints you are using. NOTE: The list of random time points lists only minutes and seconds, not frames. Therefore, at every starting timepoint, the last two digits on the counter (the frame counter) should be zero (00).
  8. Set counter to zero.
  9. Play the next 10 seconds of tape.
  10. Code variable 1and then follow the instructions after variable 1.

1. How many segment genres in 10 seconds?
_____[1] One [follow appropriate instructions below]
_____[2] Two [follow appropriate instructions below]
_____[3] Three or more [follow appropriate instructions below]

How many different segment genres are contained within the 10 second?

Segment - uninterrupted portion of one programming element (e.g., program, advertisement, promotional announcement, public service announcement, or bumper); segments are typically separated by inter-segment intervals, which typically are short periods during which the screen is black and no sound is heard (although the inter-segment interval sometimes is quite short or even nonexistent, in which case only a cut separates segments).

Segment genre - a category of programming element. The particular types are defined under variable 2.





  1. Move the tape to zero. This is the TIMEPOINT FRAME and all variables in this Coding Sheet will be based on this exact timepoint.
  2. Move the tape forward to the frame that follows the first cut that follows this timepoint frame -- this is the ANCHOR FRAME for the timepoint frame (remember that a cut is a complete image change between one frame and another, not a dissolve or other transition; a complete transition from blank screen to full image or full image to blank screen is a cut).
  3. Record the minutes, seconds, and frames of this anchor frame below, and if the timepoint came from the list of Reliability Timepoints record it on that list as well.
  4. FOR RELIABILITY CODING: If no coder has filled in the information on the list of Reliability Timepoints, write your anchor frame, a brief description of the image, and your initials in the spaces provided.
  5. Go to question 2.


Anchor frame: __ __ minutes __ __ seconds __ __ frames


  1. Move the tape to the last frame of the segment genre that was in progress at the random time point.
  2. Reset counter to zero.
  3. Move the tape back 20 seconds.
  4. Reset timer to zero.
  5. Play the next 10 seconds of tape.


  1. Move tape to the first frame of the segment genre in progress at the random time point.
  2. Reset timer to zero.
  3. You will need to code only this segment genre even though it is less than 10 seconds long (most likely a bumper, station identification, or promotional spot). Complete variable 1a below.

    1a. Duration of segment genre to be coded?
    __ __ seconds __ __ frames
  4. Now that one segment genre has been identified for coding, follow the instructions in the previous section for "If there is one segment genre in 10 second interval";




2. What is the segment genre?

_____ [01] Situation comedy (Title:___________________________________________)
_____ [02] Other (Describe/Title:____________________________________________)

_____ [03] Medical drama (Title:_____________________________________________)
_____ [04] Crime/legal/mystery drama (Title:____________________________________)
_____ [05] Science fiction/fantasy/horror (Title:__________________________________)
_____ [06] Other (Describe/Title:____________________________________________)

_____ [07] Daytime soap opera (Title:__________________________________________)
_____ [08] Prime time soap opera (Title:________________________________________)

_____ [09] TV movie (Title:_________________________________________________)
_____ [10] Theatrical film (Title:______________________________________________)

_____ [11] Local news (Title:________________________________________________)
_____ [12] National/international news (Title:____________________________________)
_____ [13] Documentary (Title:______________________________________________)
_____ [14] Magazine (Title:_________________________________________________)
_____ [15] Reality program (Title:____________________________________________)
_____ [16] Instructional program (adults) (Title:__________________________________)
_____ [17] Other (Describe/Title:_____________________________________________)

_____ [18] Celebrity talk (Title:_____________________________________________)
_____ [19] Political talk/commentary/interview (Title:_____________________________)
_____ [20] Theme/topic show (Title:_________________________________________)

_____ [21] Infomercial (Product:____________________________________________)
_____ [30] Program/channel promo spot (Product:_______________________________)
_____ [31] Program bumper (Product:________________________________________)
_____ [32] Commercial (Product:____________________________________________)
_____ [33] Public service announcement (Product:________________________________)
_____ [34] Station identification (Product:______________________________________)
_____ [35] Other (Product:_________________________________________________)

_____ [22] Live action children's educational program
_____ [23] Animated children's educational program
_____ [24] Live action NONeducational children's program (Title:_____________________________________________________)
_____ [25] Animated NONeducational children's program
_____ [26] Game show (Title:_______________________________________________)
_____ [27] Sports event (Title:______________________________________________)
_____ [28] Music video program (Title:________________________________________)
_____ [29] Other (Describe/title:_____________________________________________)

What is the genre of the segment?



[01] Situation comedy - actors portray characters, usually a family. Has a regular cast. (e.g., Full House, All in the Family, Seinfeld)

[02] Other - including sketch comedy, standup comedy, political comedy, etc. (e.g., Mad TV, Saturday Night Live, At the Improv, comedy shorts such as Our Gang and Three Stooges)


[03] Medical drama - dramatic story in medical setting (e.g., ER, Chicago Hope)

[04] Crime/legal/mystery drama - dramatic story in criminal and criminal justice setting, including pursuit, capture, punishment of criminals (e.g., Law & Order, Matlock, Murder She Wrote, Columbo)

[05] Science fiction/fantasy/horror - dramatic story in "fantastic" setting (e.g., Star Trek, Liquid TV, Hercules, Tales of the Crypt)

[06] Other - including family drama (e.g., Little House, Dr. Quinn, Touched by an Angel) and westerns


[07] Daytime soap opera - daily serial drama airing in morning or afternoon (e.g., All My Children)

[08] Prime time soap opera - weekly serial drama known specifically as a "prime-time soap" (i.e., not just any drama that continues its storylines from week to week like NYPD Blue) (e.g., Dallas, Dynasty, Melrose Place, Central Park West, Knot's Landing, Falcon Crest)


[09] TV movie - a film made specifically to be shown on television, with pauses pre-designed for placement of commercials; do not count a special 2-hour "movie" episode of a regular series (e.g., "In a special 2-hour Matlock movie..." in this category.

[10] Theatrical film - a film made specifically to be shown in movie theaters, with no pauses pre-designed for commercials (e.g., Die Hard, In the Line of Fire)


[11] Local news - regularly scheduled broadcast, typically live, of news gathered from various sources and presented by local station (e.g., Action News, Channel 10 News).

[12] National/international news - regularly scheduled broadcast, typically live, of news gathered from various sources and presented by national (e.g., NBC, CBS) or international (e.g., CNN) news organizations.

[13] Documentary - one topic examined, often concerning history or nature (e.g., Nature, The World at War)

[14] Magazine - multiple long form (5 or more minute) stories, either tabloid or traditional formats (e.g., Hard Copy, 60 Minutes, 20/20, 48 Hours). NOTE that magazine programs may seem similar to talk programs, but magazine programs typically (but not always) go out of the studio for a story, do not feature an audience, and do not have guests who come to the studio.

[15] Reality program - typically use cinema verite to capture or re-create real-life situations, often without a regular cast (e.g., Cops, 911, Stories of the Highway Patrol, The Real World)

[16] Instructional program (adults) - programs that offer the viewer a step by step explanation of an activity or task (e.g., This Old House, Julia Childs, Graham Kerr, ESPN exercise shows).

[17] Other - programs that don't fit in any one of the other categories (e.g., Good Morning America, Today, CBS Morning News, Extra). This option includes news programs with stories too short to be a magazine program but on a specific type of story such as entertainment news (Entertainment Tonight, Showbiz Today) or sports news (ESPN Sportscenter).


[NOTE that talk programs may seem similar to news magazine programs, but talk programs typically (but not always) stay in the studio for a story, feature an audience, and have guests who come to the studio.]

[18] Celebrity talk - a program that features a regular host or hosts with guest(s) that are primarily entertainment and sports personalities, does not have a unifying theme throughout a particular episode. (e.g., The Tonight Show, The Late Show, The Late, Late Show, Regis & Kathie Lee, Late Night with Conan O'Brien)

[19] Political talk/commentary/interview - conversations that usually deal with political topics where the guest(s) and his/her expertise are the focus (e.g., This Week with David Brinkley, Face the Nation, Meet the Press, Larry King, Charlie Rose)

[20] Theme/topic show - a program that is centered around a particular issue where the guests are brought in to facilitate the discussion, the host serves to stimulate discussion and/or moderate between the guest(s) and the audience (e.g., Montel, Oprah, Donohue, Rolanda, Jenny Jones, Sally J. Raphael, Geraldo)


[21] Infomercial - an advertisement that is longer than traditional commercials (usually 30 minutes) and uses techniques to appear to be a genre other that an advertisement, such as a talk show (e.g., exercise, makeup, hair loss, etc. on cable)

[30] Program/channel promo spot - a segment in which the channel being viewed and/or a program to be presented in the future on that channel is/are promoted (e.g., "Friday on Picket Fences", "NBC Must-See Tuesday...", "A-B-C is the Place To Be").

[31] Program bumper - a very short segment that identifies ONLY the program in progress and provides a buffer between a program segment and commercials or other types of program interruptions (e.g., after each 5-7 minute segment of Star Trek: The Next Generation, a program bumper is shown containing the blue logo for the program on a star-filled background with the signature orchestral melody of the show).

[32] Commercial - a segment that promotes 1) a product or service that the viewer is urged to purchase, 2) a political candidate the viewer is urged to vote for, or 3) the public image of a for-profit organization; this category does not include messages by nonprofit groups. Include in this category promotional messages from industry groups, such as those advocating milk or beef.

[33] Public service announcement - a segment that promotes attitude, knowledge, and/or behavior change on the part of the viewer in a message sponsored by a nonprofit organization or obviously provided without cost by a for-profit media organization (e.g., "This is your brain; this is your brain on drugs" spots from the Partnership for a Drug-free America; "The more you know..." spots on NBC)

[34] Station identification - very short segments that primarily serve to identify the network/station/channel the viewer is watching, as required a certain number of times each hour, and typically on the hour and half-hour, by the FCC (e.g., the screen that appears just before a program begins that says "Channel 6. WPVI. Philadelphia"). There must be no celebrity, program or channel being promoted.

[35] Other - e.g., test of Emergency Broadcast System, bumpers that identify a set of programs (such as Warner Brothers Cartoon Afternoon)


[22] Live action children's educational program - program designed primarily to teach children; contains specific provision of information, knowledge, facts, advice, etc. aimed at children; live action only (e.g., Sesame Street, Barney, Mr. Rogers, 3-2-1 Contact, Electric Company). This option does NOT include programs that happen to contain moral messages but are not specifically designed to teach children specific things (e.g., most situation comedies contain messages such as "Respect your parents" and "Be honest", and "Captain Planet" shows superheroes who fight pollution, etc., but these are designed more to entertain than to be educational).

[23] Animated children's educational program - program designed primarily to teach children; contains specific provision of information, knowledge, facts, advice, etc. aimed at children; animated or primarily animated only (e.g., Richard Scary's Storybook/Storytown). This option does NOT include programs that happen to contain moral messages but are not specifically designed to teach children specific things (e.g., most situation comedies contain messages such as "Respect your parents" and "Be honest", and "Captain Planet" shows superheroes who fight pollution, etc., but these are designed more to entertain than to be educational).

[24] Live action NONeducational children's program - program designed primarily to entertain children; live action only (e.g., Power Rangers, The Muppets, Clarissa Explains It All, Are You Afraid of the Dark?)

[25] Animated NONeducational children's program - program designed primarily to entertain children; animated or primarily animated only (e.g., X-Men, Rugrats, Scooby Doo, Mutant Ninja Turtles, Animaniacs, Loony Toons, Tiny Toons)

[26] Game show - features contestants who participate in an activity with pre-determined rules in order to win prizes (e.g., Jeopardy, Price is Right, Wheel of Fortune)

[27] Sports - broadcast of a sporting event; this includes any kind of athletic competition (including programs like "American Gladiators", etc.). This option includes only sports events, NOT sports news programs.

[28] Music video program - a collection of videos showed under a program title showed in 30 minutes increments usually has a V. J. (e.g., Big 80s, 8-Track flashback, Video P.M., Alternative Nation, 120 Minutes, Yo! MTV raps)

[29] Other - programs that don't fit in any one of the other categories (e.g., breaking news, awards shows, beauty pageants, variety programs, etc.)





[For 3-5, code only the FIRST frame in the 10-second interval image (if that frame does not contain a NORMAL, FADED-IN IMAGE move the tape forward to the first such image).]

3. Number of objects in image?
__ __ objects

In the first frame of the 10 second interval (the timepoint frame) how many objects are there in the image?

Object - any distinct, separate thing, person, or entity, including individual words (or if perceived as separate objects, individual letters), individual distinct parts of graphics, separate objects in background or foreground, and objects only partially visible (i.e., blocked by other objects or cut off at edge of image).



4. Camera angle?
_____ [1] Low (looking upward)
_____ [2] Medium (eye level)
_____ [3] High (looking down)
_____ [4] Overview (looking straight down)
_____ [5] Underview (looking straight up)
_____ [6] Simultaneous video pictures
_____ [7] Does not apply

In the first frame of the 10 second interval (the timepoint frame) what is the camera angle in the image?

Camera angle - the position from which the camera views the subject in an image.

Subject - the object(s)/entity(ies) that is/are the primary focus of attention in an image; the part of the image that appears to be most important, central, emphasized.

Low (looking upward)- a view from below, looking up at the subject/action.

Medium (eye level) - a view from the same level as the subject/action.

High (looking down) - a view from above, looking down on the subject/action.

Overview (looking straight down)- a view from directly above looking straight down.

Underview (looking straight up) - a view from directly below looking straight up.

Simultaneous video pictures - more than one separate image on the screen (not a dissolve).

Does not apply - a blank screen or an image that contains only text and/or graphics (i.e., text or graphics or both superimposed over a patterned or unpatterned background) .



5. Camera shot length?
_____ [1] Long
_____ [2] Medium
_____ [3] Close-up
_____ [4] Extreme close-up
_____ [5] Simultaneous video pictures
_____ [6] Does not apply

In the first frame of the 10 second interval (the timepoint frame) what is the camera shot length in the image?

Camera shot length - the distance the frame maintains from the "subject in an image.

Subject - the object(s)/entity(ies) that is/are the primary focus of attention in an image; the part of the image that appears to be most important, central, emphasized.

Long shot length - subject occupies between 1 and 25 percent of the image; the object is framed very loosely (e.g., if the subject is one person, all of the person's body is shown in the image).

Medium shot length - subject occupies between 26 and 75 percent of the image; the object is not framed either very tightly or very loosely (e.g., if the subject is one person, most but not all of the person's body is shown in the image).

Close-up shot length - subject occupies between 76 and 90 percent of the image; the object is framed tightly (e.g., if the subject is one person, only the person's face is shown in the image, with little background visible).

Extreme close-up shot length - subject occupies between 91 and 100 percent of the image; the object fills the image (e.g., if the subject is one person, the person's face or other body part takes up all of the image, with no background visible).

Simultaneous video pictures - two or more distinct pictures are contained in the image.

Does not apply - a blank screen or an image that contains only text and/or graphics (i.e., text or graphics or both superimposed over a patterned or unpatterned background) .



[Move the tape to the exact frame you entered in the Location of Anchor Frame box at the beginning of the Coding Sheet.


  1. Move the tape to the anchor frame (i.e., the frame that follows the first cut after the timepoint frame).
  2. Reset the time counter to zero (00:00:00:00).
  3. Move the tape back until the time counter indicates the same time as you wrote in the ANCHOR FRAME box at the beginning of the Coding Sheet but with a negative sign in front of it.
  4. Reset the time counter to zero (00:00:00:00).
  5. Proceed to the next variable.

[For 6-7, code the entire 10-second interval.]


6. Audio rate?
__ __ words

During the 10 second interval how many words are spoken?

Audio rate - the number of words per interval spoken by anyone -- human or animal or alien.



7. Music?
_____ [0] No [SKIP to 8]
_____ [1] Yes

During the 10 second interval is there at least one instance during which music can be heard?

Music - vocal or instrumental sounds that have rhythm, melody, OR harmony. A single instrumental tone also is considered music.



[For 7a, code the first instance of music in the interval.]

7a. FOR MUSIC PRESENT: Background?
_____ [0] No
_____ [1] Yes

For 10 second intervals during which music can be heard, is the first instance of music in the interval background music?

Music - vocal or instrumental sounds that have rhythm, melody, OR harmony. A single instrumental tone also is considered music.

Background music - music that is not part of the program content (e.g., a radio being played in the scene on a fictional program or a live band performing is part of the program content and is NOT background music; most music is background music that accentuates the emotions or actions in the program without having a specific identifiable source, that is, the viewer can’t tell who is playing the music).


[For 8, code the entire 10 second interval.]


8. Picture and sound nonconvergent?
_____ [0] No, never nonconvergent
_____ [1] Yes, at least once nonconvergent

During the 10 second interval is there at least one instance during which the picture and sound are nonconvergent?

Nonconvergent picture and sound - the sounds you would reasonably expect to hear if what is in the picture was physically present are absent, modified, or supplemented. The audio is not "lined up with" the video -- either there is no way to specifically identify the source of sounds (e.g., of background music or voice-overs) or the sound and picture are out of sync in time (e.g., in old movies where you see someone's mouth move before you hear what they say).

Examples would be voice-over narration, a music video in which singers are shown acting out a story rather than actually singing the words that are heard, the presence of background music, artificial audio effects, and a program in which the sound and picture are not synchronized. By definition, when any audio can be heard while the image is completely blank (not just dark) the sound and picture are nonconvergent.




9. Editing pace?
__ __ transitions in interval

During the 10 second interval how many transitions are there?

Transition - a complete change in an image; this may occur suddenly (as in a cut) or gradually (as in a dissolve). (Note that in some cases objects or entities in the image before the transition may also appear in the image after the transition; for the two images to be coded as a transition at least some of the objects or entities must be in different positions on the screen or be seen from different camera views.)



10. Simultaneous video pictures? (Check all that apply)
_____ [0/1] Yes, simultaneous RELATED video pictures
_____ [0/1] Yes, simultaneous UNRELATED video pictures
_____ NO

During the 10 second interval is there at least one instance during which there are two or more pictures in the image at the same time?

Simultaneous video pictures-- an image that contains more than one picture.

RELATED video pictures - pictures that logically go together based on content because they both (all) relate to the specific program or segment in progress (e.g., split screen in which people in different cities appear next each other; split screen in which ending credits for a program appear next to final program action, such as Frasier)

UNRELATED video pictures - pictures that logically do NOT go together based on content because they both (all) do not relate to the specific program or segment in progress (e.g., split screen in which credits for one program appear next to picture of anchorperson previewing upcoming news; ESPN sports update containing scores of other games appears in part of the screen while the game being broadcast continues in the other part of the screen).



11. Artificial special visual effects? (Check all that apply)
_____ [0/1] [11_1] Blurred image
_____ [0/1] [11_2] Distorted image
_____ [0/1] [11_3] Slow motion
_____ [0/1] [11_4] Time-lapse
_____ [0/1] [11_5] Instant replay
_____ [0/1] [11_6] Color filters
_____ [0/1] [11_7] Jump cut(s)
_____ [0/1] [11_8] Unusual transitions
_____ [0/1] [11_9] Overlapping pictures
_____ [0/1] [11_10] Incomplete object(s)/entity(ies)
_____ [0/1] [11_11] Simultaneous live-action and animation
_____ [0/1] [11_12] Simultaneous color and black & white
_____ [0/1] [11_13] OTHER IMPOSSIBLE ACTION (Describe:______________________)
_____ NONE

During the 10 second interval are there any artificial special visual effects; and if so, which one(s)?

Special visual effect - a production technique other than text or graphics that adds or modifies any part of the image that would be seen in a simple recording or broadcast of the portrayed events.

Artificial special visual effect - visual effects likely to DECREASE viewers' suspension of disbelief or illusion of nonmediation by reminding them of the artificial/mediated nature of the viewing experience.

Blurred image - an image that contains vague, indistinct, or fuzzy representations of object(s)/entity(ies). An example is the subjective view of a person about to pass out.

Distorted image - an image that contains representations of object(s)/entity(ies) that are twisted out of shape, scrambled, mangled or otherwise changed. An example is a "scrambled" section of the screen when the producers are keeping a person's identity anonymous (as on Cops).

Slow motion - a representation of an action that is made to appear slower than it actually occurred. An example is the manner in which the Bionic Woman or Six Million dollar man or the Incredible Hulk are shown using their superhuman powers).

Time-lapse - a representation of an action made to appear speeded up. The effect is created by having the camera take a picture at regular intervals such as every X minutes. The action may appear fluid or "jumpy". Examples include a sequence that shows a flower blooming and the commercial in which brownies quickly are stacked up on a plate).

Instant replay - an action is repeated immediately after it takes place. Examples include all types of sporting event "plays" and David Letterman's "Stupid Pet/Human Tricks").

Color filter - one or more colors are added to the image, which causes at least part of the scene to appear distinctly tinted. These are common in music videos.

Jump cut(s) - in this type of cut the position of object(s)/entity(ies) on the screen in one frame is suddenly shifted in the next. The result is that the object(s)/entity(ies) seem to jump from one screen location to another for no apparent reason. A sequence of jump cuts that mimics the faster-than-normal passage of time is a time-lapse effect. This technique is used often in Homicide: Life on the Streets.

Unusual transitions - any transition between shots that is not a simple cut, dissolve, or fade. Examples are a wipe in which the new image slides into the screen and a transition in which the image evolves from a geometric shape (these and others are often used in Home Improvement).

Overlapping pictures - two or more pictures are on the screen at the same time and at least part of one appears in the same space as part of another (this is the same as simultaneous video pictures except that the pictures are not separate, distinct, and bordered). These are common in music videos.

Incomplete object(s)/entity(ies) - parts of the dominant object(s)/entity(ies) in an image are cut off by the edges of the screen. This refers to the purposeful use of a stylistic production technique that features unusual framing. NOTE: If you are in doubt about whether an image contains an incomplete object/entity, code it that way and describe it in detail. Just as the borders of our field of vision give us incomplete images of objects in our environment, the edges of the television screen give us incomplete images of objects on the screen, but this is NOT what is meant here by incomplete object/entity. Code as incomplete object/entity only those instances in which significant parts of dominant objects/entities are cut off by the edge of the screen, not just in one frame but in all frames in which the objects appear in a sequence of images. Code only dominant objects; remember there can be only 4 of these in any picture. This technique is often used with faces. An example is a sequence of images in a music video in which only the left half of a person's face is shown.

Simultaneous live-action and animation - both animation and live action appear on the screen at the same time (see the definitions of these in question 22). An example is a cereal commercial featuring Tony the Tiger or the "Trix are for kids" rabbit.

Simultaneous color and black & white - both color and black & white appear on the screen at the same time (see the definitions of these in question 20).

OTHER IMPOSSIBLE ACTION - visual special effects that do not fall into any of the other categories but produce the portrayal of actions or events that would logically, and obviously, be impossible in the context of the environment and genre of the program segment (e.g., objects or entities moving, morphing, etc. on their own in a commercial for candy). Remember to allow for the possible and impossible based on the environment and genre of the program segment - floating is impossible on earth but not in space; morphing is an artificial visual special effect in a police drama but not a science-fiction movie like The Terminator). Don’t overanalyze; the impossibility must be obvious. This does NOT include moving, morphing, blinking etc. of text or graphics.



12. Color versus black & white? (Check all that apply)
_____ [0/1] Color image
_____ [0/1] Black & white image
_____ [0/1] Simultaneous color and black & white

During the 10 second interval are there color images, black and white images, and/or images that contain both color and black and white?

Simultaneous color and black & white -- if both color and black & white appear simultaneously in any image.



[For 13 code only the first subjective camera shot in the 10 second interval.]

13. Subjective camera shot?
_____ [0] NO
_____ [1] Direct address breaking fourth wall
_____ [2] Direct address not breaking fourth wall
_____ [3] Implied participant
_____ [4] Implied participant/body visible
_____ [5] Implied participant/point-of-view movement

During the 10 second interval is there at least one subjective camera shot; if so, what type or types of subjective camera techniques does the first subjective camera shot contain?

Subjective camera shot - a series of images that recreate a view through an actual or implied object or entity's eyes; the specific techniques for creating this view are listed in this question.

Direct address - a technique in which the person on the screen seems to speak directly to the viewer (e.g., news anchors and talk show hosts). The person or entity in the shot must look directly at the camera (viewer) at least once to qualify as direct address (i.e., don't assume that because the interval contains a talk show monologue that the host looks directly at the viewer during the interval). The person must look directly at the camera (viewer), not slightly off to the side as if they're talking to an unseen interviewer.

Direct address breaking fourth wall - the "fourth wall" is the implied wall through which the viewer is able to see objects/entities on television (i.e. the wall is the camera lens or glass viewing screen). When a character suddenly or unexpectedly looks at the camera and makes some statement (verbal or otherwise) to the viewers, this is considered "breaking the fourth wall." This must occur in either a fictional program (sitcom, drama, etc. -- in this genre the viewer's presence is never acknowledged except with this technique) or in a commercial; if it occurs in a commercial watch the entire segment and make sure that the viewer's presence is not initially acknowledged.

Direct address not breaking fourth wall - if there is direct address without breaking of a fourth wall as defined above (e.g., news anchorperson, David Letterman) then this in NOT considered breaking the fourth wall.

Implied participant - the camera shows what a specific person or entity in the scene sees -- the viewer takes the role of one of the people (entities) in the scene (i.e., "the viewer sees through the eyes of a character") (e.g., a shaky camera implies that someone is viewing a particular scene -- if the point of view is associated with a specific entity in the scene the technique used is implied participant). This category does NOT include shots in which the viewer takes the role of one of the entities in the scene and can also see any part of that entity's body (e.g., hands, feet).

Implied participant/body visible - this technique is identical to the implied participant technique except that when the viewer takes the role of one of the entities in the scene she can also see any part of that entity's body (e.g., hands, feet).

Implied participant/Point-of-view movement - the use of a moving camera to mimic for the viewer the non-mediated experience of a person or object moving through an environment; this movement can be slow or fast and is usually forward or backward but also could be in any other direction. To be categorized as point-of-view movement a shot must imply that the person or object's physical position changes (i.e., if the camera's view represents that of a character and the camera pans across a room as if the person was looking around the room, that is not a point-of-view movement technique because it implies only that the character's head moved, not their physical position in the room).






[Move the tape to the exact frame you entered in the Location of Anchor Frame box at the beginning of the Coding Sheet.


  1. Move the tape to the anchor frame (i.e., the frame that follows the first cut after the timepoint frame).
  2. Reset the time counter to zero (00:00:00:00).
  3. Move the tape back until the time counter indicates the same time as you wrote in the ANCHOR FRAME box at the beginning of the Coding Sheet but with a negative sign in front of it.
  4. Reset the time counter to zero (00:00:00:00).
  5. Proceed to the next variable.

[For 14 code only the first type of representational image.]

14. Type(s) of representational images?
_____ [1] Text and/or graphics only
_____ [2] Animation
_____ [3] Live action
_____ [4] Simultaneous combination of animation and live action (Describe:________________)

At the beginning of the 10 second interval what type(s) of representational images are presented?

Type(s) of representational images - by definition all television images are symbolic representations of objects or entities that are not physically present; the representation can take the different forms identified in this question.

Text and/or graphics only - one or more images contain ONLY text and/or graphics and nothing else (e.g., information screens during news broadcasts and sponsorship or viewer discretion messages). The text or graphics can be still or moving.

Animation - images contain ONLY drawings; the contents of the drawings may or may not appear to move (e.g., Looney Tunes and other cartoons).

Live action - images contain ONLY photographs of objects or entities; the contents of the photographs may or may not move. Examples include puppets, claymation, and animatronics, as well as images that contain special visual effects.

Simultaneous combinations of animation and live action - images contain both animation and live action.



[For 15 code only the first apparent broadcast type during the interval.]

15. Indication of broadcast type?
_____ [1] Text or sound include word "Live" (but not "Recorded Live")
_____ [2] Text or sound include a time and either day or date that DOES match the time and either day or date the tape was recorded
_____ [3] Text or sound include word "Recorded"
_____ [4] Text or sound include a day or date or time that DOESN'T match the day or date or time the tape was recorded
_____ [0] NEITHER 1, 2, 3, or 4

During the 10 second interval is there any indication in picture or sound of the broadcast type, and if so, what is the first such indication?

Broadcast type - television programs can take events that occur in nonmediated reality and present them as the events occur, they can be recorded as the events occurred and then broadcast later, or they can be recorded in individual segments and constructed for broadcast later.

Text or sound include word "Live" (but not "Recorded Live") - Either text in the picture or the sound during the 10 second interval, or both, contains the word "Live" and thereby indicates that the broadcast type is "events being presented as they occur." Do NOT include "Recorded Live" in this category.

Text or sound include a time and either day or date that DOES match the time and either day or date the tape was recorded - Either text in the picture or the sound during the 10 second interval, or both, contain the time and either the day ("Tuesday") or the date ("July 5"), or both, that correspond with the time, and day and/or date, the tape being coded was recorded and thereby indicate to viewers that the broadcast type is "live." (e.g., during news programs and on the Weather Channel this information is often provided in one corner of the screen).

Text or sound include word "Recorded" - Either text in the picture or the sound during the 10 second interval, or both, contains the word "Recorded" and thereby indicates that the broadcast type is "recorded as the events occurred and then broadcast later." Include "Recorded Live," "Recorded Earlier," "Recorded in front of a live studio audience," "Recorded for presentation in this time zone," and similar messages in this category.

Text or sound include a day or date or time that doesn't match the day or date or time the tape was recorded - Either text in the picture or the sound during the 10 second interval, or both, contain a day, date, or time (or any combination of them) that do not correspond with the day, date, or time the tape being coded was recorded and thereby indicate to viewers that the broadcast type is either "recorded as the events occurred and then broadcast later" or "events recorded in individual segments and constructed for broadcast later."

